Living in Fullness Everyday
Tao Fong Shan LIFE Ministry stands for Living in Fullness Everyday, which is the precept of the Ministry. Our goal is to help Christians and our neighbors direct themselves to the source of life in the physical, mental, spiritual, and social wellbeing dimensions by means of our multifaceted activtities and membership program.
Helping our brothers and sisters live a more fulfilling life
According to WHO, health is “A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity,” and later, “spiritual”. We believe that we can only enhance the qualities of good living, spirituality, and death if we fulfill the 4 dimensions’ needs of health.

Friends of Areopagos
Not only do we provide a range of benefits for the holistic health of our members who we hope to seek the meaning of life with, the Ministry also wants to accent the importance of mortality awareness for it is part of life. Thereupon, we incorporated the facilities and services of Tao Fong Shan Christian Cemetery so that our members and their families can receive the support and comfort they need in the last journey of life on earth.
Garden of Angels
Tao Fong Shan LIFE Ministry consists of 5 elements: individual and group spiritual guidance and counselling services; experience, joint, and learning events and camps; retreat and cemetery facilities; LIFE resources; Friends of Areopagos membership program.

Our services
A fulfilling life experience
Our experienced pastoral staff will design and arrange meaningful experiences for your visit at Tao Fong Shan, this may include personality and spiritual development, spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius, meditation, Pearls of Christ, Christfulness spiritual formation, physical and holistic care and scriptural reading, personal counselling, and retreat guidance.
Friends of Areopagos membership program
As part of the Tao Fong Shan LIFE Ministry, the FoA Membership provides a range of benefits, holistic health care members, and the members seek the meaning of life together. This membership program particularly with Tao Fong Shan Christian Cemetery of facilities and services to provide support to members in the last paragraph embark on the journey of life, so that their families be comforted.”
LIFE resources
Living a fulfilling, meaningful life requires more than practicing occasionally. That is why we want to share with you tips and guides that you can follow in your daily life. From audio to videos to articles, we hope you can find a medium that you prefer and understand LIFE you way.
Upcoming events
Latest news
A personal experience at Tao Fong Shan
Since the conception of Tao Fong Shan, we have been helping our sisters and brothers find peace in the calmness and comfort of the nature and build a closer relationship with our Heavenly Father. If you are interested in joining us, please fill out our contact form and your needs, we will be in touch shortly.